Volume 14 (2024)
Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2021)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2017)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (2011)
An audience-centric approach in dealing with virtual social networks

Alireza Akbarzadeh; soraya memar; Masoud Kousari; Reza Hemmati

Volume 8, Issue 2 , May 2019, Pages 1-18

  The researcher in this study, while demonstrating the need to change approaches from coping approaches to a cultural and social approach, has introduced as "audience-oriented approach ". An approach based on the focus of attention instead of paying attention to the sender of the message, is to pay attention ...  Read More

A Study of Five Elements of Harold Lasswell's Model in Mass Media The emergence of new media

melika bordbar; seyed vahid aghili; shirin ghakbari

Volume 8, Issue 2 , May 2019, Pages 19-53

  The purpose of this article is to understand how over the past decade, technology has changed, audiences around the world have changed and how they influenced their media space. So briefly, one can claim that where and with what limitations, what kind of message and content, with what technology and ...  Read More

Representation of the oppressed hero mythology in the narratives of the Holy Defense Cinema (Case study of four films from four decades of Iranian cinema)

shokrolah pouralkhas; mohammad yahyaei

Volume 8, Issue 2 , May 2019, Pages 55-71

  Compared to other arts, cinema has an irrefutable share in the manifestation, creation and life of modern myths. This article, by analyzing the four narrations of the frontier films, two blind eyes, glass agency and bus of the night, analyzes the part of the representation of the oppressed hero in the ...  Read More

Personal branding or effective social identity management

hasan khojasteh

Volume 8, Issue 2 , May 2019, Pages 73-98

  Active and active presence in cyberspace and social networks is subject to its rules and attributes. Today, with the communication revolution, changing the role of the audience to the user, the presence of each individual in terms of the power of cyberspace to produce content and supply it to others, ...  Read More

Experimental investigation of the influence of mass media in promoting cultural elements of postmodernism: Case Study: Youth Yazd

reza dehbani pour; yasin khorampour; enayat sheykhi

Volume 8, Issue 2 , May 2019, Pages 99-125

  With the transitionfrom thetraditionaltothe modern eraand thepost-modernsociety, we arewitnessing theeffectsof a newsocial life. During thepassageofeach of theseperiods, you can easilychangethetype ofthinking, attitudesandhumanbehaviorobserved. Oneofthe elements thatplay a fundamental rolein changing ...  Read More

The effect of a small amount of television networks on the formation of couples' communication patterns by examining the role of mediating variables

Samira Atefifar; fatemeh shahabizadeh

Volume 8, Issue 2 , May 2019, Pages 127-147

  با توجه به اهمیت نقش تلویزیون بر پر کردن میزان اوقات فراغت و تاثیرگذاری بر روابط افراد به ویژه زوجین، پژوهش حاضر به بررسی تدوین مدل الگوهای ارتباطی زوجینشاغل شهر بیرجند ...  Read More

The Crucial Importance and Role of Media in Contemporary Islamophobia

Abbas Isazadeh; Seyed Hossein Sharafoddin

Volume 8, Issue 2 , May 2019, Pages 149-172

  Islamophobia (or more precisely ‘unfounded fear, prejudice and discrimination towards Islam and Muslims’) through social, economic and political deprivation has harmful effects on Muslims’ everyday lives. Media are the most prominent tools to reach this goal. Some analysts even believe ...  Read More

Analyzing Turn Taking Structures in Chat Rooms and Social Networks

Atiyeh Kamyabigol; Masiheh Hedayat Mofidi

Volume 8, Issue 2 , May 2019, Pages 173-187

  The aim of the present article is to present the type of language being used in cyberspace. In addition, turn taking and turn giving strategies are analyzed. The data included Iranian Persian speaker users’ individual and group chats. The data for the present research was collected from Yahoo chartrooms, ...  Read More

The Nature of New Media

fatemeh masdari; Seyyed Hassan Hosseini

Volume 8, Issue 2 , May 2019, Pages 189-212

  This research attempts to explain the nature of "new media", to describe their features and to compare them withtraditional media.Considering the increasing coexistence of humans with the new media, today, it is very essential to understand their nature. The results of this descriptive- analytical study ...  Read More

Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil by Social Documentariescharacter

abas nasery tahery; Seyed Bashir Hosseini; masood vosoghi

Volume 8, Issue 2 , May 2019, Pages 213-239

  Among the variant types of making TV programs, social documentary, because of its influence on education, culture promotion and addressing the issues related to audiences, is the codes that can be used as a tool to refer the messages of goodness and badness, and can be used to create an appropriate motivational ...  Read More