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Associate Professor at the Department of Radio and School of Production of IRIB University


Active and active presence in cyberspace and social networks is subject to its rules and attributes. Today, with the communication revolution, changing the role of the audience to the user, the presence of each individual in terms of the power of cyberspace to produce content and supply it to others, has changed many of the past equations in communication. Each user must manage the elements involved in this process for their effective presence. So there is the question: Is the value of everyone in this space the same? Are there any ways for individual branding or collective use to be used? How do people describe themselves to others on social networks or how do they shape and identify themselves by identifying their identities? How can people improve their identity? Such questions appear to be natural and expected in the relationship between individual identity and identity as a result of its presence in cyberspace and social networks. This article tries to demonstrate the importance of individual real identities in social networks as well as the development of identity in cyberspace and its promotion through a descriptive and analytical method. The results indicate the importance of several elements such as profile, type of post or post, amount of interest, amount of comment, number of followers, etc. are very effective in making this identity.


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