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1 M.A. in Media Management, College of Farabi, University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor of Sociology, Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute


Islamophobia (or more precisely ‘unfounded fear, prejudice and discrimination towards Islam and Muslims’) through social, economic and political deprivation has harmful effects on Muslims’ everyday lives. Media are the most prominent tools to reach this goal. Some analysts even believe that “western media” are the primary sources of Islamophobia. So this is so prominent to analyze the role of media in relations full of hatred and contempt between these two great civilizations (Islam and West). In the introduction of this article, we’ll refer to the impact of media on public opinion, media from postmodern perspective and media’s dependency on politics and ideology. After that, two important theoretical frameworks (representation and frame), different constraints of news organizations which contribute to skewed and distorted news, and lastly the main problem of this research i.e. “The role of media in contemporary Islamophobia” will be discussed


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