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1 Ph.D candidate of Communication Science Allameh Tabatab'i University (ATU)

2 Faculty member of Communication Department , Allameh Tabataba'i University



Trust in science is an indispensable condition for its crucial role in society. In an environment where the relationship between the scientific community and the general public has traditionally been mediated by the media، trust in science has always been influenced by this mediation. Recent shifts in media landscapes have fundamentally altered the space of science communication، giving rise to a new type of science communication as science communication 2.0. Since these changes can have significant implications for stakeholders in the scientific community and society، understanding its dimensions becomes crucial. Therefore، this article seeks to answer the question، "How does mediated trust in science change in the new ecology of science communication in an emerging digital society?" In response to this question، we delve into the explanation of the new mediation in trust in science due to the coexistence of dominant models of science communication and science communication 1.0 and 2.0، proposing a conceptual model to elucidate the role of science communication in mediated trust in science in the new ecology. Finally، we will address "the content collapse، polarization push، Collaborative filtering، confirmation bias، and echo chambers" as new challenges that mediated trust in science faces in this new environment.
