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1 Associate professor political Science of Yasouj university

2 PhD in international relations, Islamic Azad University, central Tehran branch

3 Azad university, Qom



The media in general and in recent years the virtual space has been significantly exploited by Salafi Jihadi-Takfiri movements. These extremist groups, due to their high pragmatism regarding the surrounding realities, have always used the most up-to-date media and artistic methods to spread their message globally. The present study, with a comparative look at the role of media and cyberspace in disseminating the discourse of the three generations of Salafi Jihadi-Takfiri groups, seeks to answer the main question of how the three generations of Salafi Jihadi-Takfiri groups use the media and cyberspace to disseminate their discourse. Have you used them to make selfie subjects? The findings of the research show that the use of the media in the first and second generation is much less than the third generation, and ISIS, as the third generation of Salafi Jihadi-Takfiri group, has been more successful in using the media and virtual space than its counterparts. . The effectiveness of these media for this group has been as a "weapon" in "asymmetrical battles" and in line with propaganda to spread the basics of the Salafi Jihadi Takfiri discourse, invitation to the war fronts and recruiting members to carry out suicide operations
