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1 M.A. in Management of Information Technology, Mehralborz University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad University (Firouzkooh Branch)


We witness urgent changes in technology and complexity of the environment complexity in the third millennium. In such conditions and considering the advantages of new technologies and modern equipment, organizations know how to use these technologies so as to survive and increase their efficiency in such competitive world. However, we still witness abuse (cyber loafing) of these new technologies including internet that has recently caused many problems and damages. The most important step in this regard is to study and identify factors effective in cyber loafing and ways of preventing this phenomenon. The aim of this study is to specify the causes and consequences of cyber loafing in airlineagencies located in Tehran and to make suggestions for reducing cyber loafing cases. The methodology is qualitative (grounded theory) and the data arecollected through interviews and papers. The presented model in the research is a Paradigm Model. The results show that individual, organizational, environmental/external factors are among the reasons which play an important role in cyber loafing.


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