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1 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Communication, University of Tehran

2 M.A. in Social Communication, University of Tehran


The topic discussed in this research is the representation of Iranian society in facing modernity in Bitter Coffee TV series directed by Mehran Modiri. The question is whether the Iranian society is represented as an unreasonable phenomenon incompatible with modernity or not. To answer this question, the narrative analysis (Greimas actors’ analysis pattern) is used. Then, using the postcolonial studies, we criticized the representation of the traditional and modern characters; the barriers of developing modernity in Iran. After the Greimas pattern being adapted with four episodes of the TV series, the findings show that all of the traditional characters are represented as the other for “Mostasharolmolk” (the symbol of modernity). In other words, they are characterized using stereotypes such as stupid, lazy, profit-seeking, and illogical. On the other hand, the protagonist (the symbol of modernity) is represented as creative, active and logical. All over the series, Mostasharolmolk has an active role. Regarding this, we can conclude that the Iranian society and culture are represented as if they had no motivation to change and progress. Therefore, the Iranian society is lacks any abilities to change and any attempts to become modern. In the series narration, the main barriers of developing modernity include the structure of the educational system, the vertical structure of the power, Iranian despotism, the stupidity and laziness of the Iranians, which hold them back from achieving their goals. Based on the postcolonial criticism, we can claim that although the series is correctly showing the weaknesses of the Iranian society, the dominant narration of the series approximates the Orientalistic discourses which are criticized by the postcolonial studies.


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