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1 Instructor in Department of Political Science, Farabi Faculty of Science and Technology

2 M.A. in Political Science, Farabi Faculty of Science and Technology

3 B.A. in Cultural Affairs Management, University of Applied Sciences and Technology


Accurate and correct identification of the threats of the enemy's hostile media networks and development of appropriatestrategies to deal with them play an affective and important roleinneutralizing the activities of Iran's enemies. Beside swasting time, energy and human resources, any delay in taking actions in this regard will have dangerous and detrimental effects. This study investigates the role of the Voice of America satellite network in advancing the goals of the USA in the Islamic Republic of Iran during 2009 – 2011.
The main question in this study is about the role of the Voice of America satellite network in advancing the US goals in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Accordingly, different dimensions and the roles which the network plays in advancing the US goals in our country are referred to. The hypothesis is that the Voice of America media network provides the grounds for advancing the US goals against Iran by highlighting the conflicts concerning the nuclear program, human right sandterrorism and problems caused by sanctions.


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