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1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Razi University

2 M.A. Student in Sociology, Allameh Tabataba'i University


The main topic of this paper is the evaluation of effects of Ilam broadcasting program on Kurdish culture in Ilam province. In this regard, the attitude of cultural elites in the Ilam native culture is analyzed. The reason for selecting them is that they are of high status in the Ilam culture as well as in the planning process of other media related to the Kurdish culture.In order to formulate the theoretical framework, four theories are considered including the Colonization of the Lifeworld,agenda-setting, Spiral of Silence and the dependent theories. In this qualitative research, the topic is investigated via carrying out in-depth interviews with the Ilam cultural elite. Based on theoretical saturation, 15 people are interviewed. The results of this study indicate that the cultural elites believe that Ilam broadcasting programs reduces official prestige of the Kurdish language and also show the Kurdish culture as an unimportant culture. The interviewees also refer to the damage done to the Kurdish standard languagein Ilam broadcasting programs such as failure to use the proper standard accent and Kurdish orthography, loss of correct scientific word coinage and calque from the Persian language.


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