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1 phd student of Cultural Sociology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Social Communication, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural and Media Studies, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.



Since a long time there has been the influence of the ruling class's tendencies on the works and achievements of different people in the societies,cinema as one of the individual and collective achievements has not been exempted from this rule. In the country of Iran, which experienced tremendous discourse changes with the occurrence of one of the biggest revolutions of the century,the sociological investigation of this discourse change and its effect on artistic works and productions has been worthy of attention and study. Therefore, the study of the prevailing approaches in the field of planning and determining artistic-cultural policies in the first years of the Islamic Revolution is one of the constituent elements of this article.The question is,to what extent have those involved in the production and production of a film in the country paid attention to these policies? In other words,to what extent have the discourse relations of the political system ruling the society penetrated into the country's cinematographic works,and to what extent has the success or failure of this discourse been? Therefore,by analyzing and interpreting cultural policies and their role It has been studied in the formation of works of art with the method of critical discourse analysis


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