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1 PhD Student of Communication Science, Department of Communication Science, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences and Communication, Islamic Azad University, East Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Department of Communication Sciences, Islamic Azad University, center Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran



The present research has identified the influencing factors on the development of social marketing in the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. The current research has a qualitative approach and an exploratory interview strategy. The statistical population of the research, according to its subject area, includes professors and specialists in the field of media, as well as high-level managers of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. According to the surveys, their sample size is 12 people, and the theoretical sampling method has been used. In this research, thematic analysis method was used to analyze the data, and fuzzy Delphi method was used to validate the data. Surveys show that six factors: factors related to the customer, management, infrastructure, content, media and marketing, are among the main factors influencing the development of social marketing in the organization. The results indicate that it is necessary to consider communication with the customer in the organization. On the other hand, as much as the amount of using hardware and software equipment, creating interactive and informative content, the organization's interaction with social media and marketing strategies is improved by the organization, it will cause the growth and development of social marketing in the organization.


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Identifying factors influencing the development of social marketing in the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB)