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Department of Managment. Tuyserkan Branch. Islamic Azad University. Tuyserkan. Iran


Media is one of the critical factors and forces of social changes in societies. Therefore, macro-level policies should be formulated for these influential institutions to make the most of them. The cognitive approach can better explain the policy-making model by considering the role of the decision-maker, organizational factors, and the influence of the environment. Main goal: The main goal of this research is to present a comprehensive model of national media policy-making with a cognitive approach. Research method In this research, the most critical factors affecting media policy were extracted using the Delphi method, and eleven factors extracted from the Delphi method in the form of a self-interactive-structural matrix were provided to the experts to identify the relationship between the factors. And after determining their relationships, the national media policy model with a cognitive approach was formulated and provided to the panel of experts. The method of data collection used by the researcher in this research was the Delphi method. The method of collecting primary factors in interviews with experts was the analysis of in-depth interviews using the ZMET method.


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