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Culture, art and communication research center


In the era of corona-virus pandemic, there is no possibility for public and collective rituals. The main purpose of the present article is studying the new way that new middle class survivors mourn, describing the characteristics of mourning rituals among them and analyzing the changes occurred in these rituals in this era (2020 February to 2021 January in Iran). To this end, we employ Netnography, observation and interview as methods.
Based on the findings of the present research, in the era of corona-virus, new middle class survivors mourn in different ways especially in social media. Virtualization, individualization, personalization, Visualization, Degenderization, secularization (individualization of religion), and Commercialization are the most important elements of mourning rituals among new middle class survivors. The homology between the characteristics of new middle class lifestyle and above-mentioned elements can explain why they emerged as the new traits of mourning rituals among new middle class survivors.


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