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1 Ph.D. Student in Media Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (IAU

2 Professor, Department of Media Management, Faculty of Humanities, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (IAU)


The multiplicity and dynamism of network communication, the most obvious example of which is realized in social networks; It has added a fundamental step to most communication and public opinion researchs. What can be called a refining step. Refinement that aims to sort the data, remove outdated information, and methodically identify the content or users we are looking for as appropriate. Given the vast amount of information on social networks, there is no choice but to turn to interdisciplinary approaches to refine data on a large data scale. Utilizing a team of facilities in disciplines such as computer science, mathematics and artificial intelligence is a solution that has been used in the present study to form a dedicated network. In the next step, using network analysis method, the most optimal method for identifying the leaders of political thought in the Twitter platform was selected. User information was examined in four layers, including information about 700 million users. Then, by defining indicators for data refining, dedicated networks of 94,000 people were formed. Six ranking indicators derived from elite consensus were compared comparatively.


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