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1 Master of Media Management, Soore University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Iran, University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Cinema, Faculty of Art,, Soore University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Master Student of Technology Management, Iran University of Science and Technology


International Section of Fajr International Film Festival In 2014, it was separated from the national section of this cultural and artistic event to continue its work as an independent festival entitled "Fajr International Film Festival".This new festival, like any other cultural and artistic event, in order to achieve the desired level of performance and effective position in the world, must determine the characteristics for its progress.Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effective strategies on turning the World Film Festival into a prestigious film festival and reference. In data collection, library studies and semi-structured interviews were used to find effective solutions for the festival's reference.To analyze the data, the method of content analysis and the importance of performance was used to prioritize effective solutions in the form of comprehensive themes. The obtained results led to the extraction of 20 strategies effective in referencing the festival, which, using the method of significance-performance analysis, four strategies: "Presence of famous films and filmmakers", "Determining moral, civilizational, intellectual and political approaches", "Grounding the presence of filmmakers based on geographical or doctrinal affiliation" and "Adopting professional, comprehensive and stable policies" were suggested as the most effective strategies for making the festival reference.


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English Resources

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Thomas, Taylor; Kim, Young Hoon (2011) "A Study of Attendees’