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1 PhD in International Relations, Assistant Professor, Radio and Television University

2 Doctor of Social Communication Sciences, Assistant Professor, Radio and Television University

3 Graduated from Master of Media Management, Radio and Television University


Like all media, the IRIB will face various challenges in the coming decade, including survival and competition in the global media community. In such an organization, the core burden of organizational life lies with a specialized human resource capable of creating, transforming, applying, and sharing specialized and organizational knowledge and ultimately creating innovation, but the problem is that the knowledge management process In the sound organization, the media is below average and in poor condition, and employees are less trained in creative thinking and innovation skills. In order to solve this problem, the purpose of this study is to identify strategies for using social media to improve the knowledge management process of IOB. Social media, social networks, and wikis, and the processes of knowledge management, sharing, and application of knowledge have been reviewed for their importance. In this regard, after studying the theoretical basics and background of the research, a questionnaire was used to collect the data and then in the national media environment with the participation of 20 academic and media experts using three rounds of the method. Delphi has identified 30 strategies that fall into three categories: management, motivational and instrumental.


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