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1 PhD student in Media Management, University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran

3 Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran

4 Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran


Today, the unique role of the media as an important tool for promoting development in society can not be denied. In this regard, this article describes the qualitative method based on the classical (data of the Glaser Foundation) in the form of a report on the implementation of the doctoral dissertation. In this research, classical theory (Glaser) is used because in this approach, unlike other approaches of theory based, there is a lack of theory and the researcher's preconceptions are suspended and the problem appears from the data and it is the data that They reveal the theory This research is important because by conducting this study, the existing policies of the country and the measures taken in this field will be examined and analyzed based on the opinion of experts to determine the consequences for using or not usingwomen's capabilities. The components of attitude change, popular institutions, motivation by managers, needs assessment, use of new technologies and audience research were identified and finally It can be concluded that press policy with emphasis on the human development of women should be based on the self-direction of the press in order to draw a vision of development in society.


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