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1 Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Payame Noor University of Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student in Information Science and Knowledge, Payame Noor University, Central Mashhad.


If we consider today's world as the digital world, it is not far-fetched to consider the central cell of this world as information, and we have not gone too far as to consider the issue of information retrieval as one of the most important and practical issues in the field of digital information. As we know, part of the information is presented in the form of images, and therefore it is considered that there is a need to recover images. Image retrieval is not possible except through familiarity with web content-based feature extraction metrics. This matter has been studied in the present study with the library method and using valid Persian and English databases. To this end, the research question is formulated as follows: What are the criteria for extracting features for retrieving images based on web content? Is using these features effective in image recovery or not? Based on the findings of these lines, we find that two types of features are required to retrieve images; High-level features and low-level features. These two types of attributes are used in web content retrieval depending on the type of need.


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