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1 faculty member IRIB University

2 Researcher/ IRIB


The purpose of this qualitative research, which has been done by grounded theory method, is to identify the most appropriate actions of IRIB in dealing with political rumors published on virtual social networks in the country. The statistical society is IRIB’s journalists and editors. Among them in IRIB news agency, IRINN, Alalam and Press TV as the research sampling framework, 26 Sample were selected by purpose sampling and the data were collected from semi-structured interview tools and were coded by Constant Comparative Analysis method. According to the results of the research, the most appropriate national media action to deal with rumors published on social networks is the timely discovery of rumors, the source of rumor and the purpose of its release which should be done by taking rigorous and planned actions, including audience acquaintance with the characteristics of Published rumors in cyberspace, appropriate news coverage and uncertainty over the political and social atmosphere of the country and the influential presence in cyberspace, recounting rumors with the most appropriate method and maintain the credibility and position of our news poles in society and on the other hand, by preventative measures, prevent the production and dissemination of other rumors in the community.


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