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Islamic Azad University Central Thehran Branch Faculty of Communications Departemant of Management


Inequality in access to and use of information technology is an undeniable fact that manifests itself as the digital divide in the less developed countries. The present study intends to investigate the issue of digital divide in the villages of Qom province in the light of modern ontology. The current scientific scan seeks to find the answer to the question what are the strategies affecting the digital divide in the villages of Qom province? Has collected its data using descriptive-survey method. The statistical population of the present study includes experts and senior managers in the field of ICT in the villages of Qom province, and among these, the sample size due to the limited statistical population is only 33 people. Judgmental sampling method, and techniques used include Delphi, fuzzy hierarchy and fuzzy TOPSIS. The results of the research after Delphi two-stage calculations are to achieve 36 digital gap solutions that were prioritized in terms of weight during the fuzzy hierarchical calculations. The results of fuzzy TOPSIS show that encouraging operators to invest in the first priority and use specialized forces To provide training in IT concepts to experts in the organization has a very low priority.


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