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1 Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 Faculty member of Kashan University


The purpose of this paper is to determine the factors affecting the implementation of knowledge management in the  Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (IHCS) with the focus on information and communication technologies in order to identify its strengths and weaknesses and to provide solutions to improve the organization's performance in this field.
This paper is an applied research that carried on descriptive survey methodology, researcher-made questionnaire of knowledge management was used to collect data.
The study population consisted of 219 staff of Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies who were selected by stratified random sampling and 135 people were selected through Morgan table. To answer the research questions one-sample t-test in SPSS was used.
The findings shows that from the perspective of the IHCS members, most of the components of the knowledge management technology infrastructure are inferior to the knowledge management system in the research institute and in the creation, storage, sharing and use of knowledge, knowledge management software and idea system  have the strongest relationship with the knowledge management process and there is a significant relationship between modern information technology and knowledge management components.
The results showed that in applying knowledge management in the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies and also turning it into a knowledge-based organization, special attention should be paid to new information and communication technologies. At the end of the study, we have some suggestions and strategies for improving its weaknesses and promoting strengths in knowledge management technologies and have had a great positive impact on the future of the organization and its goals.


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