Document Type : .


1 IAU science & research branch

2 ministry of science, research and technology

3 Department of Cultural Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran


This article's goal is analysis of government's cultural policies and actions in area of cinema economics after the Islamic revolution. The used method is applied (goal), qualitative and quantitative (data) and causal mechanism. Data are consisted of governmental documents and interview of the experts. Second data and statistics are also used for study of the governments operations. The processes are shown by causal mechanism diagrams. The results show that: policies in all periods and states are on the basis of the states ideology and thinking and also are dependent to who are responsible of cinema affairs. Decrease of foreign film exhibition and internal film festivals are the continuous policies of all periods. So there is a failure in cinema economics policy making in order to achieving goals that is lack of a long term comprehensive policy and vision. In all periods infrastructures cinema economics were ignored.


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