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1 Clerk

2 Islamic Azad University,Tehran North Branch

3 Ialamic Azad Unicersity, Isfahan Branch


The purpose of this study was to identify the status quo and design an optimal organizational culture for IRIB.
The research method is hybrid. interviews with media experts and Delphi technique have been used to identify assessment indicators and the components and dimensions of organizational culture.
these indicators are combined with the organizational culture assessment tool and the status of the organizational culture of IRIB in four dimensions of "Team culture, development-oriented culture, market culture and hierarchical culture", and four levels of " "symbols, artifacts, values , "Presumptions" and the six main features of organizations, including "outstanding characteristics, leadership features, employee management features, organizational cohesion, strategic emphasis and success indicator" have been identified in both existing and desirable situations.
The results indicate that the discourse governing the status quo of the organizational culture of IRIB is hierarchical and cultural convergence is not observed at the levels of cultural dynamics and the six organizational characteristics.
In order to achieve the desired situation, hierarchical hierarchy modulation through agility and outsourcing, the continuation of teamwork conditions, with the consolidation of participatory actions and more emphasis on two development-oriented culture and market, i.e. promoting innovation and creativity and focusing on missions.


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