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1 Ph.D. student of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch
2 Associate Professor and Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran, and responsible author
3 Faculty Member of the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies
4 Associate Professor of Research and Educational Planning
We need media literacy to have a smart audience who uses the media. One ways to improve media literacy is to pay attention to school capacity. EU member states, have taken effective steps to expand the education of media literacy in schools, and have taken joint action under the supervision of the European Commission. The study of the performance of these countries enhances the literature of the subject and improves knowledge and experience in designing the desired pattern. This paper is a qualitative research with the theme analysis method. In line with the main goal of the study, the identification of factors influencing the promotion of media literacy education in schools, has been interviewed with 11 European Union media literacy experts and the European Commission's direct call center. The subjects were selected through targeted sampling and questions were sent by e-mail. The interviews were conducted using Clarke and Brun's method. The codes were extracted or directly expressed in the interviewees' interviews, or were implicit codes extracted from the interview text by the researcher. Based on the results of this study, six main themes include empowerment, curriculum, infrastructure, finance capital, legislation and social participation, which promote media literacy in schools