Document Type : .


1 Instructor and faculty member of Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Computer engineering department. Instructor and faculty member of Payam Noor University. Tehran, Iran



The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the predictive role of media literacy and critical thinking on the level of cyber victimization among Payam Noor University students in Isfahan.
Research method: The current research method is descriptive and correlational. The statistical population is made up of all undergraduate students of Payam Noor University of Isfahan who studied in the academic year of 1400-1401. A number of 400 students from this community were selected by available sampling method and were exposed to three standard media literacy questionnaires (philosophical 2013) and Ritex critical thinking (2005) and standard bullying-victim questionnaires through receiving a response link through virtual space. (Lopez 1997) were placed. The validity and reliability of these questionnaires have been confirmed.
The findings showed that there is a significant relationship between media literacy and victimization rate and between critical thinking and victimization rate. also; The media literacy level of the students was evaluated as average; This means that students who had higher media literacy experienced less victimization
Results: Students who had media literacy, compared to students who did not have these skills, in the skills of using media, analyzing media messages



    1.Akbarinejad F, Soleymani MR, Shahrzadi L,2017. The relationship between media literacy and health literacy among pregnant women in health centers of Isfahan. J Educ Health Promote;6:17. Doi:10.4103/2277-9531.204749

    1. Scharrer, E., & Zhou, Y. (2021). A qualitative study of early adolescents’ critical thinking about the content and consequences of media violence. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 13(3), 97-110.
    2. Dobrinka Peicheva, Valentina Milenkova, Dilyana Keranova, Vladislava Lendjova (2022)Advances in Information and Communication. Lecture Notes in. Networks and Systems, 439, 556, 10.1007/978-3-030-98015-3_39
    3. Ku, K. Y. L., Kong, Q., Song, Y., Deng, L., Kang, Y., & Hu, A. (2019). What predicts adolescents’ critical thinking about real-life news? The roles of social media news consumption and news media literacy. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 33, [100570].
    4. Fostering critical thinking in English-as-a-second-language classrooms: Challenges and opportunitiesWeijunLiang(Tim)DennisFungFaculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong,2021.

    6. Ghanizadeh, A.2017. The interplay between reflective thinking, critical thinking, self-monitoring, and academic achievement in higher education. High Educ 74, 101–114 (2017).

    7.Media Literacy Education in the Age of Machine Learning Valtonen, Teemu; Tedre, Matti; Mäkitalo, Kati;2019 Vartiainen, HenriikkaJournal of Media Literacy Education, v11 n2 p20-36 .| DOI: 10.23860/JMLE-2019-11-2-2

    1. Ranieri, M., Bruni, I., & Kupiainen, R. (2018). Digital and Media Literacy in Teacher Education: Findings and Recommendations from the European Project e-MEL. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, (20), 151–166.

     9.Pardede, Parlindungan.2020 "Integrating the 4Cs into EFL Integrated Skills Learning." Journal of English Teaching 6.1 . 71-85

    1. ChenQiQi LoCamilla K.M. ZhuYuhong CheungAnne ChanKo Ling IpPatrick 15 January 2018 among adolescents in a Chinese school sample

    11.Lee, C. H., & Shin, N. (2017). Prevalence of cyberbullying and predictors of

    cyberbullying perpetration among Korean adolescents. Computers in Human

    Behavior, 68, 352–58


    1. JingyuGeng LingBao JingWangm, XinyiWei ,PanZeng, LiLei 2022, The maladaptive side of Internet altruists: Relationship between Internet altruistic behavior and cyberbullying victimization.

    13.Jeoung Min Lee, Jun Sung Hong, Jina Yoon, Anthony A. Peguero, Hee Joung Seok 293-308 .2017 Correlates of Adolescent Cyberbullying in South Korea in Multiple Contexts: A Review of the Literature and Implications for Research and School Practice.

    14.Doxing Victimization and Emotional Problems among Secondary School Students in Hong Kong by Qiqi Chen, Ko Ling Chan, Anne Shann Yue Cheung,2018 Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, ChinaFaculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.2018, 15(12), 2665;

    1. Victimization in Cyberspace: Is It How Long We Spend Online, What We Do Online, or What We Post Online? Fawn T. Ngo, Alex R. Piquero, Jennifer LaPrade, 2020
    2. Ferrara, P., Ianniello, F., Villani, A. et al. Cyberbullying a modern form of bullying: let’s talk about this health and social problem. Ital J Pediatr 44, 14 (2018).

    17.Serafini, G., Muzio, C., Piccinini, G., Flouri, E., Ferrigno, G., Pompili, M., Girardi,P., & Amore, M. (2015). Life adversities and suicidal behavior in young

    individuals: A systematic review. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 24,

    1423–46. 10.1007/s00787-015-0760-y

    18.Ortega-Barón, Jessica and Buelga-Vasquez, Sofía and Cava-Caballero, María Jesús The Influence of School Climate and Family Climate among Adolescents Victims of Cyberbullying, 2016, pp. 57-65)

    19.Yubero, S., Navarro, R., Elche, M., Larraٌaga, E., & Ovejero, A. (2017).

    Cyberbullying victimization in higher education: An exploratory analysis of its

    association with social and emotional factors among Spanish students. Computers in Human Behavior, 75, 439–49

    20.Navarro, R., Yubero, S., & Larraaga, E. (2018). Cyberbullying victimization andfatalism in adolescence: Resilience as a moderator. Children and Youth Services

    Review, 84, 215

    1. Cyber-Dependent Crime Victimization: The Same Risk for Everyone?

    Marie Christine Bergmann, Arne Dreißigacker, Bennet von Skarczinski, Gina Rosa Wollinger, 2018.

    1. Psychometric analysis of victimization scale in virtual space and its relationship with psychological and consensual factors in female students, Sara Ebrahimi and Isa Khajevand Ahmadi, Women's Psychological Social Studies Quarterly. Year2018. pp. 145-180

    23.Buelga, S., Martnez-Ferrer, B., Cava, M. J., & Ortega-Barَn, J. (2019).

    Psychometric Properties of the CYBVICS Cyber-Victimization Scale

    and Its Relationship with Psychosocial Variables. Social Sciences.

    1. Alonso, C., & Romero, E. (2017). Aggressors and victims in bullying and

    cyberbullying: a study of personality profiles using the Five-Factor Model. The

    Spanish Journal of Psychology, 20, E76.

    25.Larraaga, E., Yubero, S., Ovejero, A., & Navarro, R. (2016). Loneliness, parent–

    child communication and cyberbullying victimization among Spanish youths.

    Computers in Human Behavior, 65, 1–8. :10.1016/j.chb.2016.08.015

    26.Moreno-Ruiz, D., Martinez-Ferrer, B., & Garca-Bacete, F. 2019). Parenting styles,cyberaggression, and cybervictimization among adolescents. Computers in

    Human Behavior, 93, 252–59

    27.Cohen-Almagor, R. (2018). Social responsibility on the internet: Addressing

    the challenge of cyberbullying. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 39,

    42–52. 10.1016/j.avb.2018.01.001

    28.Antoniadou, N., Kokkinos, C. M., & Markos, A. (2016). Development, construct validation and measurement invariance of the Greek cyberbullying/victimization       experiencesquestionnaire(CBVEQ-G).HumanBehavior,65,380–390. 10.22098/jsp.2019.795

    1. Bulger, M., & Davison, P. (2018). The Promises, Challenges, and Futures of Media Literacy. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 10(1), 1-21.

    30.Cheung, C. (2017). Promoting media literacy education in China: A

    case study ofa primary school. International Journal of Adolescence & Youth, 21 (2), 215-217. DOI:10.1080/02673843.2013.82107

    31.Ibrahimpour, Dawood, and Habibzadeh, Ashab, 1400, explaining the political socialization of students with an emphasis on media literacy, insight and Islamic education_, 18(56)

    32.Lohbeck, A., & Petermann, F. (2018). Cybervictimization, self-esteem, and social relationships among German secondary school students. Journal of School 472–86.

    1. Pereira, S. & Moura, P. (2018). Assessing Media LiteracyCompetences: A study with Portugues Young People. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 14 (4), 95-119.
    2. Mohammad Ali Talebi and Mino Omidvar Faz (1400) Investigating the relationship between the level of media literacy and critical thinking and social skills in students at Payam Noor University of Birand, Rehpouey Arbatat and Culture Quarterly, first term, second issue,

    35.Abdallah Khaksar Azghandi, (1401) Compilation and determination of the effectiveness of the media literacy training package for Iranian teenagers, Scientific Journal of Military Psychology, 184-167

    36.Borbor, Somayeh; Faghhi, Mehdi and Yazdan Panah, Ahmad Ali (2017). Investigating the effectiveness of digital media literacy on the growth of students' social restraints (Case study: students of Farzangan Middle School, first year of chorus) Applied Studies in Management and Development Sciences, 3(10) 156-193

    37.Zahiri M, Ahmadi Angali K, Mirzaei A, mong undergraduate  Students of health services administration in Ahvaz jundishapur university of medical science based on sconul seven pillars model Payavard. 2014; 8(2):101-12.

    38.Shojaei M, Amirpour M. A survey of media literacy among students in the inform ation society in north Khorasan. Sociological Studies of Youth. 2012;43-56. [In Persian]

    Saifouri V Ghafari S.2012 Information literacy of fourth Kermanshah Information  39               . 

    Systems and year graduate students at razi university of In Persian.108-95.2012 

    1. Nokarizei M, Dehghani K.2014 Impact of information literacy skills on the university of Birjand students' self-efficacy. Library and Information research journal.2014;3(2):153-72. In Persian
    2. Hanieh Jourmand, Mahnaz Sehlhi,2014 investigation of media literacy status and attitude about arbitrary consumption of slimming supplements among students of Dokhtar Khosbaghahi University, 221-228, winter 2014, number 4, second year, Journal of Military Care Sciences.

    42.Nasiri B.2013 [Measurig in Acquisition of Media Literacy skills in japan and Canada] 2013. Available from: www.SID.

    1. Elizabeth A. Hunt. literacy and digital citizenshipEncyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health.2023Pages 372-384.


      1.Akbarinejad F, Soleymani MR, Shahrzadi L,2017. The relationship between media literacy and health literacy among pregnant women in health centers of Isfahan. J Educ Health Promote;6:17. Doi:10.4103/2277-9531.204749

      1. Scharrer, E., & Zhou, Y. (2021). A qualitative study of early adolescents’ critical thinking about the content and consequences of media violence. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 13(3), 97-110.
      2. Dobrinka Peicheva, Valentina Milenkova, Dilyana Keranova, Vladislava Lendjova (2022)Advances in Information and Communication. Lecture Notes in. Networks and Systems, 439, 556, 10.1007/978-3-030-98015-3_39
      3. Ku, K. Y. L., Kong, Q., Song, Y., Deng, L., Kang, Y., & Hu, A. (2019). What predicts adolescents’ critical thinking about real-life news? The roles of social media news consumption and news media literacy. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 33, [100570].
      4. Fostering critical thinking in English-as-a-second-language classrooms: Challenges and opportunitiesWeijunLiang(Tim)DennisFungFaculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong,2021.

      6. Ghanizadeh, A.2017. The interplay between reflective thinking, critical thinking, self-monitoring, and academic achievement in higher education. High Educ 74, 101–114 (2017).

      7.Media Literacy Education in the Age of Machine Learning Valtonen, Teemu; Tedre, Matti; Mäkitalo, Kati;2019 Vartiainen, HenriikkaJournal of Media Literacy Education, v11 n2 p20-36 .| DOI: 10.23860/JMLE-2019-11-2-2

      1. Ranieri, M., Bruni, I., & Kupiainen, R. (2018). Digital and Media Literacy in Teacher Education: Findings and Recommendations from the European Project e-MEL. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, (20), 151–166.

       9.Pardede, Parlindungan.2020 "Integrating the 4Cs into EFL Integrated Skills Learning." Journal of English Teaching 6.1 . 71-85

      1. ChenQiQi LoCamilla K.M. ZhuYuhong CheungAnne ChanKo Ling IpPatrick 15 January 2018 among adolescents in a Chinese school sample

      11.Lee, C. H., & Shin, N. (2017). Prevalence of cyberbullying and predictors of

      cyberbullying perpetration among Korean adolescents. Computers in Human

      Behavior, 68, 352–58


      1. JingyuGeng LingBao JingWangm, XinyiWei ,PanZeng, LiLei 2022, The maladaptive side of Internet altruists: Relationship between Internet altruistic behavior and cyberbullying victimization.

      13.Jeoung Min Lee, Jun Sung Hong, Jina Yoon, Anthony A. Peguero, Hee Joung Seok 293-308 .2017 Correlates of Adolescent Cyberbullying in South Korea in Multiple Contexts: A Review of the Literature and Implications for Research and School Practice.

      14.Doxing Victimization and Emotional Problems among Secondary School Students in Hong Kong by Qiqi Chen, Ko Ling Chan, Anne Shann Yue Cheung,2018 Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, ChinaFaculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.2018, 15(12), 2665;

      1. Victimization in Cyberspace: Is It How Long We Spend Online, What We Do Online, or What We Post Online? Fawn T. Ngo, Alex R. Piquero, Jennifer LaPrade, 2020
      2. Ferrara, P., Ianniello, F., Villani, A. et al. Cyberbullying a modern form of bullying: let’s talk about this health and social problem. Ital J Pediatr 44, 14 (2018).

      17.Serafini, G., Muzio, C., Piccinini, G., Flouri, E., Ferrigno, G., Pompili, M., Girardi,P., & Amore, M. (2015). Life adversities and suicidal behavior in young

      individuals: A systematic review. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 24,

      1423–46. 10.1007/s00787-015-0760-y

      18.Ortega-Barón, Jessica and Buelga-Vasquez, Sofía and Cava-Caballero, María Jesús The Influence of School Climate and Family Climate among Adolescents Victims of Cyberbullying, 2016, pp. 57-65)

      19.Yubero, S., Navarro, R., Elche, M., Larraٌaga, E., & Ovejero, A. (2017).

      Cyberbullying victimization in higher education: An exploratory analysis of its

      association with social and emotional factors among Spanish students. Computers in Human Behavior, 75, 439–49

      20.Navarro, R., Yubero, S., & Larraaga, E. (2018). Cyberbullying victimization andfatalism in adolescence: Resilience as a moderator. Children and Youth Services

      Review, 84, 215

      1. Cyber-Dependent Crime Victimization: The Same Risk for Everyone?

      Marie Christine Bergmann, Arne Dreißigacker, Bennet von Skarczinski, Gina Rosa Wollinger, 2018.

      1. Psychometric analysis of victimization scale in virtual space and its relationship with psychological and consensual factors in female students, Sara Ebrahimi and Isa Khajevand Ahmadi, Women's Psychological Social Studies Quarterly. Year2018. pp. 145-180

      23.Buelga, S., Martnez-Ferrer, B., Cava, M. J., & Ortega-Barَn, J. (2019).

      Psychometric Properties of the CYBVICS Cyber-Victimization Scale

      and Its Relationship with Psychosocial Variables. Social Sciences.

      1. Alonso, C., & Romero, E. (2017). Aggressors and victims in bullying and

      cyberbullying: a study of personality profiles using the Five-Factor Model. The

      Spanish Journal of Psychology, 20, E76.

      25.Larraaga, E., Yubero, S., Ovejero, A., & Navarro, R. (2016). Loneliness, parent–

      child communication and cyberbullying victimization among Spanish youths.

      Computers in Human Behavior, 65, 1–8. :10.1016/j.chb.2016.08.015

      26.Moreno-Ruiz, D., Martinez-Ferrer, B., & Garca-Bacete, F. 2019). Parenting styles,cyberaggression, and cybervictimization among adolescents. Computers in

      Human Behavior, 93, 252–59

      27.Cohen-Almagor, R. (2018). Social responsibility on the internet: Addressing

      the challenge of cyberbullying. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 39,

      42–52. 10.1016/j.avb.2018.01.001

      28.Antoniadou, N., Kokkinos, C. M., & Markos, A. (2016). Development, construct validation and measurement invariance of the Greek cyberbullying/victimization       experiencesquestionnaire(CBVEQ-G).HumanBehavior,65,380–390. 10.22098/jsp.2019.795

      1. Bulger, M., & Davison, P. (2018). The Promises, Challenges, and Futures of Media Literacy. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 10(1), 1-21.

      30.Cheung, C. (2017). Promoting media literacy education in China: A

      case study ofa primary school. International Journal of Adolescence & Youth, 21 (2), 215-217. DOI:10.1080/02673843.2013.82107

      31.Ibrahimpour, Dawood, and Habibzadeh, Ashab, 1400, explaining the political socialization of students with an emphasis on media literacy, insight and Islamic education_, 18(56)

      32.Lohbeck, A., & Petermann, F. (2018). Cybervictimization, self-esteem, and social relationships among German secondary school students. Journal of School 472–86.

      1. Pereira, S. & Moura, P. (2018). Assessing Media LiteracyCompetences: A study with Portugues Young People. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 14 (4), 95-119.
      2. Mohammad Ali Talebi and Mino Omidvar Faz (1400) Investigating the relationship between the level of media literacy and critical thinking and social skills in students at Payam Noor University of Birand, Rehpouey Arbatat and Culture Quarterly, first term, second issue,

      35.Abdallah Khaksar Azghandi, (1401) Compilation and determination of the effectiveness of the media literacy training package for Iranian teenagers, Scientific Journal of Military Psychology, 184-167

      36.Borbor, Somayeh; Faghhi, Mehdi and Yazdan Panah, Ahmad Ali (2017). Investigating the effectiveness of digital media literacy on the growth of students' social restraints (Case study: students of Farzangan Middle School, first year of chorus) Applied Studies in Management and Development Sciences, 3(10) 156-193

      37.Zahiri M, Ahmadi Angali K, Mirzaei A, mong undergraduate  Students of health services administration in Ahvaz jundishapur university of medical science based on sconul seven pillars model Payavard. 2014; 8(2):101-12.

      38.Shojaei M, Amirpour M. A survey of media literacy among students in the inform ation society in north Khorasan. Sociological Studies of Youth. 2012;43-56. [In Persian]

      Saifouri V Ghafari S.2012 Information literacy of fourth Kermanshah Information  39               . 

      Systems and year graduate students at razi university of In Persian.108-95.2012 

      1. Nokarizei M, Dehghani K.2014 Impact of information literacy skills on the university of Birjand students' self-efficacy. Library and Information research journal.2014;3(2):153-72. In Persian
      2. Hanieh Jourmand, Mahnaz Sehlhi,2014 investigation of media literacy status and attitude about arbitrary consumption of slimming supplements among students of Dokhtar Khosbaghahi University, 221-228, winter 2014, number 4, second year, Journal of Military Care Sciences.

      42.Nasiri B.2013 [Measurig in Acquisition of Media Literacy skills in japan and Canada] 2013. Available from: www.SID.

      1. Elizabeth A. Hunt. literacy and digital citizenshipEncyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health.2023Pages 372-384.