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1 ---Doctoral student of Social Communication Sciences, Department of Communication Sciences, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran,

2 Professor of Faculty of Social Communication Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Communication Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences, Tehran East Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Twitter has become a new tool for diplomatic affairs and international relations, and the use of this tool for countries in the direction of exercising soft power in the international environment and as a type of digital media diplomacy is very worthy of investigation and analysis. What has been examined in this research is "how Twitter diplomacy works in the two countries of Iran and the United States" and the purpose of the research is to study the function of Twitter diplomacy as a media diplomacy tool and to know the role of Twitter in the effective transmission of political messages by examining the Twitter messages of the president. He is the former president of the United States and the former foreign minister of Iran. How to use Twitter to advance the goals and objectives and secure the national interests of the two countries, understanding media diplomacy and examining the way of representing foreign policy, and finally the similarities and differences between the Twitter diplomacy of the two countries, Iran and the United States, are things that can be explored by exploring The content of the twitter messages of these two officials was analyzed through thematic analysis method.
self and other representation, validation and devalidation for self and other; The main axis of Twitter diplomacy has been the use of Iran and the United States, and in the absence of official diplomacy between the two countries, it is considered the most key tool for reproducing soft power and an opportunity for the diplomacy of both countries


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