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1 , Professor (Assistant), Department of Persian Language & Literature, shahid behesti university, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. candidate, Artistic research, Art faculty, Alzahra University


Intertextuality, as one of the methods of creating games, establishes a link between digital or other games in the form of analog games such as game boards and cultural, social, mythological, fictional and religional Ohypotext. The purpose of this article is to study the intertextual capacities and how to recreate pre-texts, including mythical and legendary literature on game boards. In this regard, the research question is: How can literary Ohypotext lead to the creation of intertextual relationships on gameboards? the results that have been done using qualitative and library strategy and through observation show that the use of intertextual relationship in game boards can be expressed in terms of "substance of expression" and in all or part of its elements of components, game graphics, narrative, Themes, mechanics, flavors and rules appear and form an intertextual procedure. Depending on the form of intertextual relations used in the game elements, Intertextual relationships are strong or weak. By purposefully selecting two examples of Iranian game boards, namely "Shahnameh-Bazi" and "Zaar", analyzed how to implement intertextual relations in them has been.


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