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1 Master of Business Management, Rahman Institute of Higher Education, Ramsar, Iran

2 Ph.D, Business Management- Marketing Management, Department of Research, Salaam Avaan Institute, Astaneh, Iran

3 Assistant Prof., Department of Management, Rahman Institute of Higher Education, Ramsar, Iran


Food advertising contributes to increase children’s food preference, purchase and consumption, and therefore children’s obesity. This study aims to describe the promotional techniques used in unhealthy food advertising on the television channels of Islamic Republic of Iran. Accordingly, food advertising on the three television channels (in prime time for children’s television watching) was analyzed using content analysis method. In order to classify promotional techniques, a coding framework was used. Results showed that 73.58 percent of advertised food were unhealthy, and “flavors” and “oils and other fats” had the most frequencies of unhealthy food advertising. The most used promotional techniques were respectively music/ jingles, happiness, and meal portrayed. Although many of unhealthy food advertising used persuading techniques for children, the more of these food products were in the green area based on nutrient content (i.e. low risk for health).


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