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1 PR/ SBU Park Journalist

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences, East Tehran Branch, IslamicAzad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, National Researsh Institute for Science Policy

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences, East Tehran Branch, IslamicAzad University, Tehran, Iran


Science journalism policy-making is a grand strategy that emphasizes the role and functions of science journalism as well as changing common paradigms with respect to the impact of the Internet and new media to guide decisions, achieve logical goals and reduce existing challenges. The aim of this study was to provide a policy model for science journalism based on new media. This study is an applied-developmental research in terms of purpose and has been done with a cross-sectional survey approach. The statistical population includes theoretical experts (university professors) and experimental experts (experienced journalists). Purposeful method was used for sampling and continued until theoretical saturation was achieved. Finally, the views of 20 experts were used. The content analysis method and MaxQDA software were used to identify the underlying categories of science journalism policy. Structural-interpretive method and MicMac software were used to present the model. The research findings show the factors that ultimately lead to the policy-making of science journalism in Iran.


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