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1 PhD Student in Media Management, Department of Media Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Media Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Iran. (Supervisor Corresponding Author)

3 Faculty member of Media Management Department, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor of Media Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Iran.


The economic status of the country for the press has suffered more damage than other agencies. Newspapers are among the first goods to be removed from the household basket during inflation. Therefore, due to the incompatibility between costs and income, imbalance of supply and demand they have gone through a risky era.
The purpose of this paper is to identify the economic challenges of Iranian newspapers as well as discovering solutions to this dilemma.
In order to identify and evaluate the viewpoint of professionals and experts in media field, this investigation was conducted in year 1399 based on Iranian calendar.
In a part of the research, the qualitative method of grounded theory was applied. This approach was based on in-depth interviews therefore 21 managers of public and private newspapers were interviewed. It should be noted that, the following results were achieved through analyzing the data using Max QDA 10 software.
The research findings indicate that external challenges can be classified into 4 categories: traditional distribution system, newspaper division into private and governmental ones, social media, the government politics. In conclusion 10 practical items were extracted to eradicate the struggling issue.


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