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1 Management and Accounting Dept, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan - Iran.

2 M.A., Majored in Marketing, Management and Accounting Department, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.


Cinema is an art and simultaneously an industry, and every industry needs profit to survive. Hence the studies about cinema either focus on film as a product or audiences. The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of audience-orientation and film features on the satisfaction of cinema’s audiences. The research is applied and descriptive and was conduct in Zanjan and Sari cities. The questionnaire was used for data collection that its validity and reliability were approved. The total number of 400 questionnaires were distributed and collected (by using purpose sampling). The data were analyzed by AMOS and SPSS with using structural equation modeling (SEM) technique. The results show that film features and audience-orientation have a significant direct positive on the satisfaction of cinema audiences. Film stars, screenplay, and film success have a significant effect on the satisfaction of cinema audiences. Among the two dimensions of audience-orientation, the effect of lifestyle on the satisfaction of cinema audiences is significant, but the effect of social issues is not significant.


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