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1 Ph.D in Media Management, University of Tehran

2 Ph.D Student in Sociology, Azad Islamic University (Science and Research Branch)

3 M.A. in System and Productivity Management, Khatam University


In the last two decades and after the cold war & The emergence of new media, the media structure in most countries have witnessed dramatic changes which was achieved In the 20th century in the press domain and in the 21th century has been generalized comprehensively to the field of audiovisual media and has emerged new look to function and effectiveness of the media. In this article, after assessing various theories about the media, the media ownership structure changes in the world are assessed with focusing on the Radio and TV as an effective media.
Referring to the two common patterns of public and private TV and radio broadcasting which replaced the monopoly state broadcasting in the most countries, the article points to the more advantages of this system than the exclusive model. By expressing the views, this article has investigated the experiences of 20 countries in transition from proprietary systems to the of media plurality. Moreover, by focusing on countries which have considerable cultural, political and geographical similarities with Iran, the study briefly indicated how these countries dealt with the challenges of restructuring screening. Finally, media plurality has been introduced as the most efficient media structure to achieve its objectives, including satisfaction of the audience, justified economically and providing national and social interests.
