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1 Assistant Professor Institute for Cultural Studies and Communication Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran

3 Associate Professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University

4 Assistant Professor, University of Tehran


One of the concerns of religion and media domain is the question of the relation between religion basedOne of the concerns of religion and media domain is the question of the relation between religion based on discourse, image and visual media. In this article while reviewing the theoretical literature among religious programs ‘Lesson form the Quran’ by Hojjatul-Islam Qarati which is broadcast about 40 years was reviewed and sought to respond this question ‘what changes have the religious images undergone during these years and has it leaded to better presentation of the religion?
The methodology of this study is semiotic which was accessed by emphasizing 5 items:’ Clothing, age and sex’, ‘non-verbal communication’, ‘movement’ ‘color and light. Samples were selected randomly, 10 selected programs were selected within years 1972-2009. Semiotic implies that firstly these programs has been gradually were placed at the position of governmental religion, secondly communication has been one-sided and vertical and thirdly by focusing on the religious type of those who are present in the programs has ignored cultural diversity of the society.


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