Document Type : .


M.A. in Social Communication Science, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Central Branch


This research examined literary information flow among 1081 nodes and 32340 ties selected from 49212 nodes and 163169 ties sampled using cluster comprehensive snowball sampling method among Persian users of Facebook online social network and utilized measurements and formulas of social network analysis (SNA). In addition, it specified major influential users and ties, and visualized the network relations graph and measured degree centrality, betweenness centrality, closeness centrality, eigenvector centrality, density, diameter, average geodesic distance, page rank, and clustering coefficient.
This study was carried out in winter of 2012 and was composed in April of 2012. It was the first study on this field in Iran that made use of social network analysis method in Facebook online social network; also it was the first research using social network analysis method to analyze more than 150000 ties in Iran.
