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1 Master of Science in Social Sciences, Humanities and Cultural Studies Institute

2 Professor of Sociology, Humanities and Cultural Studies Institute

3 Associate Professor of Sociology, Humanities and Cultural Studies Institute


In this research it has been attempted to identify the hidden concepts and issues in documentaries during two decades before and after Iran Islamic revolution. The purpose of this research is responding to this question:
Considering the relativeness of social matters comparing to the time, what kind of change have happened in people’s points of view, desirable values and consequently the definition of social problems and issues?
The films are analysed with 3 approaches:
Functionalism, Conflict, deviation, from another point, the relationship between art and society is important, considering the elements of representation and power and reality.
The research methodology is based on qualitative research and utilizing content analysis and narrative analysis with semiology approach.
In this research 27 films were surveyed which 13 films are related to before Iran Islamic revolution and 14 films are related to after Iran Islamic revolution.
The conclusions indicate that the main similarities researching problems and issue in the two periods are:
The problems facing developing societies (poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, population growth, traffic, environment pollution, slum dwelling, shortage of house and hygiene and injustice) and main differences are related to revolutions social effects (dispersed view, ideological opinions) war, relationship between human being and nature and illness.
Although regarding typology there are noticeable similarities in problems in the two periods however from different points of view, there are some great differences regarding finding roots, attitudes and tanking actions and finding solutions

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