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Assistant Professor in Occidental Studies, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


The Article is about this matter that Global media in the virtual space, plays an important role for creation of peace, and it can be opposition to injustice throughout the world. So it is necessary that journalists and news services have responsibilityfor cosmopolitan ethics. This cosmopolitan approach to ethicscanbeinclusive ofpatriotic interests.
This article also explains aboutdifference between “colonial globalization” and “postcolonial global being” in the virtual world.Then The Author concludes that virtual world is a context for representation of humankind cultures throughout the worlds and a context for synergy of them.  So this articlestates about a cosmopolitan doctrine for virtual media by respectability for human life throughout the world and respecting to all of cultures. Cosmopolitan ethics for global media causes common intellectual and practical communication around the world for creation of a peacfull and just life for humankind


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