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1 Master of Political Science, Science and Research branch of Khorasan Razavi

2 Assistant Professor of Political Science department, Hakim Sabzevari University

3 PhD in Communication Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch


The aim of this research is to investigate the phenomenon of Iranophobia in Hollywood’s productions. The study of Hollywood cinematic films associated with Iran suggests that Iran has been portrayed as ‘a subaltern other’ of the West in these films. In this regard, we investigated American films made about Iran since 1979 and their effects on the intensification of Iranophobia. Doing so we studied three films, ‘Argo’, ‘the Stoning of Soraya’ and ‘not Without My Daughter’, by qualitative content analysis method. To answer the question of ‘what has been the role of Hollywood in exacerbating Iranophobia after the revolution?’, an combination of the three theoretical perspectives of ‘representation’, ‘postcolonial studies’ and ‘Orientalism’  were also used for the basis of our analysis. The results confirm the research hypothesis. Constructing a negative image of the Islamic Republic, Hollywood has played a significant role in intensifying Iranophobia.


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