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1 Professor of Communication Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran,

2 Master of North American Studies at Tehran University, and Researcher in Computer Science Research Center of Islamic Sciences (Noor)


As the size and complexity of today’s most modern cinema and TV increase, different approaches regarding different religions are presented. Since, on the one hand, cinema and TV Series of the United States are one of the most controversial, popular, as well as professional ones, and on the other hand, Islam is considered as a religion which its popularity is rapidly growing, this study aimed to find out instances of Islamoromia in the Hollywood TV Series (case of Homeland). Applying the methodology of semiotics and five channels which Christian Metz has argued in analyzing a cinematic work, the present paper applies the theory proposed by professor Saied Reza Ameli in his extensive four volume set “Bibliographical Discourse Analysis: The Western Academic Perspective on Islam, Muslims and Islamic Countries (1949 – 2009)”. Ameli has offered 15 meticulous elements and characteristics of those academic works which revolved around Islamoromic issue. Those elements are applied in semiotic analysis of Islamoromia in Homeland TV Series (3rd season).


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