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1 Assistant Professor of Business Management, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan

2 PhD Student in Marketing Management, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan


In advanced societies, the relationship between local firms and their costumers is a favorite subject for companies and academic communities. A lot of academic researchers have insisted on the role of ethnographic and demographic characteristics in local purchases. The objective of this research is to examine the influence of moral philosophy and ethnocentrism on intention to buy Iranian brands based on central role of resistance economy among postgraduate students of Isfahan University. The research was conducted using descriptive-metrical method. The studying sample included seventy members of postgraduate students of Isfahan University in 2014 that were selected by means of stratified random sampling. The data were collected through a questionnaire and data analysis was done by SPSS and SMART PLS software. The Findings of this research reveal that although moral philosophy and ethnocentrism don’t influence the intention to buy Iranian brands directly, ethnocentrism influences the intention to buy Iranian brands through resistance economy.


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