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Associate Professor of Journalism department, University of IRIB


Examining the process of trust in the media, this article seeks to know what factors increase the media credibility for audience and leads to his/her trust in it. In the research, using a qualitative method, we interviewed many communication and media experts. Part of the results of this study shows that news-function is the most important function of media which creates credibility and increases the audience's trust. If the media acts as the true mediator between the facts and the people, it will be trusted by audiences. Also, if the media constructs its message in a community-accepted form, the audience will accept and validate it.
In the context of trust in the media, it is also necessary to observe the following components: avoiding one-way interpretations, addressing events from different angles, moving away from exaggeration and contradiction, avoiding ambiguous reflection of issues, avoiding distortion and censorship. The results also indicate that the more audiences are pleased with the media, the more time they spend paying attention to its news over the weekend


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