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1 MA in Demography, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in Cultural Sociology, Allameh Tabataba’i University,Tehran, Iran


The present paper studies the relationship between the type of religiosity and the rate of mass media use among the university students of the Qom city. A combination of theories on different types of religiosity is employed to assess the type of religiosityfrom which seven types ofreligiosity appropriate for the statistical populationare eventually selected(namely popular, Sharia-based (i.e. based on the Divine law), official-governmental, modern, secular, laic, and mixed). The theories, from which independent variables in this study are derived, include Peter Berger's DesecularizationTheory andGerbner's Cultivation Theory. The survey method isemployed in this study, and the students of the universities in the Qom city enrolled in the2010-2011 (1389-1390 SH) academic year constitute the statistical population. The quota sampling method usedin the study yields a sample of size 354. Research findings indicate that the usage rate of domestic mass media means is related to individuals’ religiosity type where people with popular religiosity usedomestic mass media the most. Similarly, there is also a relation betweenthe usage rate of foreign mass media and individuals’ religiosity type in a way that the usage rate of foreign mass media is the lowest in popular religiosity


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