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1 PhD in Political Science, University of Tehran,Tehran

2 PhDCandidate of Social Communication Science,Tehran

3 Assistant Professor at theCenter for Political Thought, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran


The revolution that occurred around the new information and communication technologies has led to a technological paradigm shift from industrial technology to information technology. While the above-mentioned technologies today are the most important factors of production, competitiveness, economic growth and presence in global markets, by strengthening the world-oriented centrifugal forces, actors and many other activists, they have become the most important means of challenging territorial political boundaries, marginalizing absolute governments, as well as undermining national sovereignty, and changingthe culture of global security to national security. The present study seeks to portraythe security discourse dominating the cold war periodfocusing on the two factors of security environment and behavioral patterns of actors, and internalizedpoliticalassumptions in that era in order to investigate the current security discourse and illustrate the changes in operational environments of governments resulting from information and communication technologies. By so doing, the ineffectiveness of propositions and key assumptions of hard security discourse of the cold war will be portrayed and the paradigm dominating the current security studies will be identified


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