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1 PhD (kharazmi university

2 Associate professor ofDepartment of philosophy of Education,kharazmi university


The aim of this paper is analyzing authenticity from Heidegger's point of view and the role of internet on student's authenticity. And reply these questions: what’s the is the authenticity meaning in Heidegger philosophy and what is the internet role on the student’s authenticity? Heidegger explains the situations that in them Dasein becomes inauthentic. Heidegger states that curiosity, idle talk and absorbing in "they self" are some examples of inauthenticity. By conscience and silence, Heidegger mentions, Dasein can save himself from falling.Internet can frame thoughts and ideas by storing and distributing information in wide scale and their representation. Internet can Stimulate curiosity and reduce caring about self and individuality and cause shallowness. Although it may help individuality because of some freedom that has. Existence anxiety that is consider in authenticity would reduce on cyber space.


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