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Department of Architecture, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.


The apocalyptic cinema has gained attention in the contemporary period particularly after third millennium. On the other hand, the savior issue is one of the main issues of the apocalyptic cinema. This research was conducted by the aim of studying epiphany of savior in the apocalyptic cinema. Representation of savior in formal and eventual way in relevance to presence of savior, the savior characterization as the main issues related to presence, function and use of savior in the apocalyptic cinema have been investigated. The issue of savior has been analyzed as a case study with analysis of the selected movies of the apocalyptic cinema. The research was conducted by the method of analysis of the content of the movies. On the other hand, because of tangibility of the subject matter, thirty four important effective cinematic works related to apocalyptic issue have been analyzed. The results of the research revealed the main effective factors related to presence of savior in the apocalyptic cinema. Elimination of problems, physical rescue, warning, American savior, attention to human knowledge, continuous supervision, marveling and work with specific group, humanity and attention to family, spirituality, social justice, preservation of environment were the effective priorities of presence of savior in the apocalyptic cinema.


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