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Assistant professor at Art institute


Both Iranian and Indian civilizations have a long antecedent in the history of Asia. The comparison between Rig-weda and Avesta clearly shows this meaning. Beliefs, religions (ethics), common myths and their reflection on the pre-Islamic Iranian Art and Architectonic, demonstrate the common origin of the two civilizations, especially on the basis of the common Ariaian antecedent of both nations.
The present article, among comprehensive thinking relations between these two great Islamic and Indian civilizations, deals with the issue of existential monism, which its wide use has caused Muslim thinkers to avoid it, in order to clear their religious differences with the Upanishad-based Hinduism (specially the philosophical Vedantism). This article explains the common aspects between Islam and Hinduism which has resulted in peace and mutual agreement between these two religions, and even has led to the emergence of some new ways like “divine religion” by Akbar ( 963-1014 /1556-1605) , the third Gurkanian king. Furthermore, I would like to insist on this fact that the efforts to bring about differences between Muslims and Hindus as a great part of Asian identity have political roots and especially done by England.
