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1 , Master of Information Science and Knowledge, Librarian, Library Director of the Hamid Reza Radfar, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 Assistant Professor and Head of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies Libraries,


Terrell Ward Bynum is the most influential morals philosopher in the past three decades. In his  article "Ethics and Information Revolution" in 1998 he suggest that Information ethics engage in recognizing and analyzing the impact of information technology on social and humane values such as personal privacy, security, etc. Bearing in mind the importance of this issue in digital environments, this article tries to study the viewpoints of internet users in research libraries of Tehran. The population of this research consist of all library users familiar with digital environment in 139 research libraries of the city. After a simple sampling, 342 individuals were selected as research population (but only 306 of them filled their questionnaires). This research was carried out as a descriptive survey, questionnaires (14 questions) were used to collect data. Findings show that more than 70% of users are familiar with information ethics and this issue is very valuable and important to them. Research libraries users'' familiarization with information ethics indicators is of great importance because it makes it easier to observe the abovementioned principles. The strength point of this research is its novelty while there are no reliable or perfect researches done in the literature on this issue.


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