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1 , Master of Arts in Social Communications, University of Tehran, Iran.

2 , Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Communications, University of Tehran, Iran


The expansion in the utilization of any kind of new information and communication technologies can impose negative, positive and even contradictory influences among different demographic and social groups. Thus, the more knowledge and expertise of communication scholars are used, the better cultural and communicational policies can be made in order to control the negative effects and intensify the positive ones. Getting benefit of the viewpoints and solutions provided by diverse experts of media and communication will also lead to controlling the impacts of importing new communication devices.
This article focuses on the teen as a significant period in constructing one's social identity. Within next pages, a general picture of the utilization pattern of mobile phone by Iranian teenagers is provided. Then, experiences from international commercial and cultural organizations and companies in this area are reviewed and eventually, some generalized strategies in developing media consumption policies are suggested.
Investigating the efforts made by other societies in this field indicates that engaging different social actors, like schools, parents and teachers, will lead to a well-organized utilization pattern of cell phones among teenagers.
Furthermore, it is also noted that some macro communicational strategies, such as importing or producing specialized cell phones for kids and teenagers, improving public awareness and media literacy, will help as facilitators in this process.
experiences from international commercial and cultural organizations and companies in this area are reviewed and eventually, some generalized strategies in developing media consumption policies are suggested.
Investigating the efforts made by other societies in this field indicates that engaging different social actors, like schools, parents and teachers, will lead to a well-organized utilization pattern of cell phones among teenagers.
Furthermore, it is also noted that some macro communicational strategies, such as importing or producing specialized cell phones for kids and teenagers, improving public awareness and media literacy, will help as facilitators in this process


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