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Assistant Professor of Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Zanjan University,


This article seeks the hermeneutical (inter-textual) explanation of media representation effect in spatial transformations. Therefore it seeks new spatial entities which are the results of this relationship. In postmodern era, the media are the main actors in identifying and interpreting environmental issues and according to plurality of identities and multiplicity of spatial experience, now we don’t live with spatial dictations rooted in absolutism of Euclidian patterns of space. Uncontrolled fields of media, turmoil and meanings diversity and images in contemporary art and poetics and elegant fantasies, hyper-reality and formation of mass consumption society and signs crisis, are all the results of advertisement and this has led to a crisis of semiotic representation in contemporary city. The article studies the results of technology Gestell from the perspective of Heidegger's ontology. Therefore it does not refer to the function of discourse and space, but refers to the nature of this discourse.


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