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1 M.A of Research Studies, Shaheed Beheshti University, Tehran

2 Sociology Assistant Professor, Mashhad Ferdowsi University


The present study examines relation between media types and consumerism. We studied 358 participants above 18 years of age from Tehran city by survey method.
In this research, the impact of “the use of media types”, “the use of program types”, “Iranian following media reference group” and “foreigner following media reference group” on “consumerism” were considered.
Results indicate that, in the media types, “satellites” and “internet” have the most effect on consumerism. In the types of media programs, “dance” and “music” show the most effect on consumerism. Therefore, “Iranian following media reference group” doesn’t have significant effect on consumerism. But “foreigner following media reference group” shows significant and increasing effect on consumerism


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