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1 Associate Professor at International Communication Sociology, Imam Sadegh University

2 M.A at Communication Research, University of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting,


The research makes a comparison on the discourse used on B.B.C Persian, Press TV and V.O.A websites about Wall Street occupation movement broad casting. In other words in this article we’re trying to recognize the media policies adopted by these three websites about Wall Street Occupation Movement. In order to achieve this, critical theories connected with news such as framing theory, image making theory, discourse theory and diplomacy's theory have been used. Discourse analysis using Dr. Bashir’s proposed approach by the title of “P.D.A.M” (Practical Discourse Analysis Method) is the adopted method of the research. Statistical data of the research is the whole news about Wall Street occupation movement on the three websites in the mentioned time period, chosen by investigating the statistical data and targeted sampling of 344 propositions, B.B.C Persian: 101 propositions, Press TV: 116 propositions, V.O.A:127 propositions.
-B.B.C Persian has got on with “ambiguity and distortion” diplomacy,
-Press TV has got on with “crisis making” diplomacy.
-And V.O.A has got on with “invasion and contrast” diplomacy


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